Svelte OpenSeadragon
This guide explains how to annotate a zoomable image using OpenSeadragon, Annotorious and Svelte.
Quick Start
Below is a basic example to get you started. The code creates an OpenSeadragon viewer instance, initializesAnnotorious, loads annotations from a file.
<script lang="ts"> import { onMount } from 'svelte'; import OpenSeadragon from 'openseadragon'; import { ImageAnnotation, W3CImageFormat } from '@annotorious/annotorious'; import { OpenSeadragonAnnotator, MouseOverTooltip, SvelteAnnotator } from '@annotorious/svelte';
let container: HTMLDivElement;
let viewer: OpenSeadragon.Viewer;
let anno: SvelteAnnotator<ImageAnnotation>;
$: if (anno) anno.loadAnnotations('annotations.json');
onMount(() => { viewer = OpenSeadragon({ element: container, tileSources: { type: 'image', url: '/images/my-sample-image.jpg' }, gestureSettingsMouse: { clickToZoom: false } }); });</script>
<div class="container"> <div bind:this={container} class="openseadragon" />
<OpenSeadragonAnnotator viewer={viewer} bind:anno={anno} /></div>
<style> .container, .openseadragon { height: 100%; width: 100%; }</style>
Step-by-Step Guide
Create a container DIV to hold your OpenSeadragon viewer, and bind it to a variable.
let container;// ...<div bind:this={container} class="openseadragon" /> -
When your component mounts, initialize an OpenSeadragon viewer instance in the container DIV.
onMount(() => {viewer = OpenSeadragon({element: container,tileSources: {type: 'image',url: '/images/my-sample-image.jpg'},gestureSettingsMouse: {clickToZoom: false}});}); -
Use the
component from the@annotorious/svelte
package to initialize Annotorious on your viewer instance. Optionally, you can bind theanno
annotator instance to a variable.<OpenSeadragonAnnotatorviewer={viewer}bind:anno={anno} /> -
Use the
API to load annotations from a file.$: if (anno) anno.loadAnnotations('annotations.json');