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React Image Annotation

Add an annotation layer to an image using the Annotorious React components.

import { Annotorious, ImageAnnotator } from '@annotorious/react';
import '@annotorious/react/annotorious-react.css';
export default function App() {
return (
<img src="example.jpg" />



This component provides context for all parts of an annotation layer on an image. Annotorious hooks can be used below this component.


This component wraps an image component and applies an annotation layer to it.

drawingMode'click' | 'drag''drag'
theme'dark' | 'light' | 'auto''light'
tool'rectangle' | 'light''rectangle'


The adapter prop is an optional object that introduces crosswalk functionality between Annotorious’ internal annotation data model and different standards. This allows seamless integration of external annotation standards, such as the W3C Web Annotation standard, into Annotorious. The adapter will handle the process of parsing and serializing annotations between Annotorious’ internal format and the chosen external standard for you.

When using a format adapter, it impacts all methods of the vanilla anno Annotator instance. Currently, the W3C adapter is only available adapter for Annotorious.

import { Annotorious, ImageAnnotator, W3CImageFormat } from '@annotorious/react';
<ImageAnnotator adapter={W3CImageFormat()}>
<img src="example.jpg" />


Using a filter, you can dynamically control annotation visibility based on specified conditions. The filter is a function that takes an annotation as an input, and must return a boolean. Return true to make the annotation visible, and false to hide it.

const showImportantFilter = (annotation: Annotation) => {
const isImportant = annotation.bodies.some(b => b.purpose === 'highlighting');
return isImportant;
<ImageAnnotator filter={showImportantFilter}>
<img src="example.jpg" />


The userSelectAction prop controls the behavior when a user clicks or taps on an annotation. Valid values for userSelectAction are EDIT, SELECT, and NONE.

  • EDIT makes the annotation editable, allowing the users to modify its shape.

  • SELECT ensures that clicking an annotation will trigger the relevant selection lifecycle events of the API. However, the annotation will not become editable.

  • NONE renders the annotation inert. Clicking on it will have no effect.

You can directly assign one of these values to userSelectAction. For example:

import { UserSelectAction } from '@annotorious/react';
<ImageAnnotator userSelectAction={UserSelectAction.EDIT}>
<img src="example.jpg" />

Alternatively, you can use a function that dynamically determines the `userSelectAction“ based on annotation properties or other conditions:

const dynamicSelectAction = (annotation: Annotation) => {
const isMine = == 'me';
return isMine ? UserSelectAction.EDIT : UserSelectAction.SELECT;
<ImageAnnotator userSelectAction={dynamicSelectAction}>
<img src="example.jpg" />


For TypeScript users, the valid values for userSelectAction are provided as enums for type safety. However, in plain JavaScript, you can use the string values (‘EDIT’, ‘SELECT’, ‘NONE’) directly.

// TypeScript
const action: UserSelectAction = UserSelectAction.EDIT;
// JavaScript
const action = 'EDIT';


The style prop allows you to customize the visual appearance of annotations. You can define a style as either an object or a function.

The object should have the following shape:

const style = {
fill: '#ff2222', // Fill color in hex format
fillOpacity: 0.25, // Fill opacity (0 to 1)
stroke: '#ff0000', // Stroke color in hex format
strokeOpacity: 0.9, // Stroke opacity (0 to 1)
strokeWidth: 2 // Stroke width in pixels

Alternatively, you can use a function that takes the annotation as input and returns a style object:

const dynamicStyle = (annotation: Annotation) => {
const isImportant = annotation.bodies.some(b => b.purpose === 'highlighting');
return {
fill: '#ffff00',
fillOpacity: isImportant ? 0.5 : 0,
stroke: '#000000',
strokeOpacity: 1,
strokeWidth: 2


Interaction with Annotorious works through the following hooks.

useAnnotations(debounced?: number)

const annotations: ImageAnnotation[] = useAnnotations(250);

Returns the live annotation state. Optionally, you can debounce updates to annotations by a specified amount of milliseconds.


Access to the vanilla anno Annotator instance.


// selected: Array<{ annotation: ImageAnnotation, editable: boolean }>
// pointerEvent: PointerEvent
const { selected, pointerEvent } = useSelection();

Returns the current selection state. If selection happened via a user pointer event, the event is included.


Returns the current annotator user set via the anno.setUser() method, if any.

const user: User = useAnnotatorUser();