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Represents a user in Annotorious. Used to associate annotations, targets and bodies with specific user identities.

interface User {
id: string;
isGuest?: boolean;
name?: string;
avatar?: string;


You can set the current user for an Annotorious instance using the setUser method. You should set a User right after initializing Annotorious, and any time the user login status in your application changes.

id: 'aboutgeo',
name: 'Rainer',
avatar: ''

To get the current user, you can use the getUser method:

const currentUser = anno.getUser();
console.log(; // Outputs: 'Jane Doe'

Annotation Attribution

Setting a user object is not required for Annotorious to work. But once a user is set, Annotorious will automatically insert the user data into any body or target that is created or modified.

id: '7fb76422-3a8c-4c87-bbad-7c8bb68399a0',
bodies: [{
purpose: 'commenting',
value: 'A comment!',
creator: {
id: 'aboutgeo',
name: 'Rainer',
avatar: ''
created: 'Fri Aug 23 2024 13:02:44 GMT+0200'
target: {
selector: {
type: 'RECTANGLE',
geometry: {
bounds: {
minX: 272,
minY: 169,
maxX: 393,
maxY: 259
x: 272,
y: 169,
w: 121,
h: 90,
creator: {
id: 'aboutgeo',
name: 'Rainer',
avatar: ''
created: 'Fri Aug 23 2024 13:02:44 GMT+0200'

Note: Annotorious uses user data exclusively for inserting it into the annotation. It neither provides any authentication functionality itself, nor interacts with a login system on your behalf. Authentication and authorization remains up to your application.

User Properties


  • Type: string
  • Required

A unique identifier for the user. This is the only required field.


  • Type: boolean
  • Optional

Indicates whether the user is a guest or a registered user. This can be used to differentiate between authenticated users and temporary guests.


  • Type: string
  • Optional

The display name of the user. Can be used in the UI to show who created an annotation.


  • Type: string
  • Optional

A URL to the user’s avatar image. Can be used to display the user’s profile picture in the annotation UI.