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The AnnotoriousOpts interface defines the configuration options for initializing an Annotorious instance. These options allow you to customize the behavior and appearance of the annotation tool.

interface AnnotoriousOpts<I extends Annotation = ImageAnnotation, E extends unknown = ImageAnnotation> {
adapter?: FormatAdapter<I, E>;
autoSave?: boolean;
drawingEnabled?: boolean;
drawingMode?: DrawingMode;
userSelectAction?: UserSelectActionExpression<I>;
style?: DrawingStyleExpression<ImageAnnotation>;
theme?: Theme;


Here’s an example of how to use these options when initializing Annotorious:

import { createImageAnnotator } from '@annotorious/react';
const anno = createImageAnnotator('sample-image', {
drawingEnabled: true,
drawingMode: 'drag',
theme: 'light',
style: {
fill: '#ff0000',
stroke: '#000000'



  • Type: FormatAdapter<I, E>
  • Optional

A custom adapter for converting between internal and external annotation formats. See Format Adapters for more information.


  • Type: boolean
  • Optional

If set to true, Annotorious will automatically save annotations as they are created or modified. Default is false.


  • Type: boolean
  • Optional

Determines whether drawing new annotations is enabled. If false, users can only view and select existing annotations. Default is true.


  • Type: DrawingMode
  • Optional

Specifies how drawing is initiated. Can be either 'click' or 'drag'. Default is 'drag'.

  • 'click': Drawing starts on a single click. Users cannot select annotations unless drawingEnabled is false.
  • 'drag': Drawing starts on drag. Single click always selects annotations.


  • Type: UserSelectActionExpression<I>
  • Optional

Defines the action to perform when a user selects an annotation. See User Select Action for more details.


  • Type: DrawingStyleExpression<ImageAnnotation>
  • Optional

Specifies the visual style for annotations. Can be a static style object or a function that returns a style based on the annotation and its state. See Drawing Styles for more information.


  • Type: Theme
  • Optional

Sets the color theme for the Annotorious UI. Can be 'dark', 'light', or 'auto'. Default is 'light'.


type DrawingMode = 'click' | 'drag';

Defines how drawing is initiated.


type Theme = 'dark' | 'light' | 'auto';

Specifies the color theme for the Annotorious UI.

Default Values

Annotorious uses a helper function fillDefaults to set default values for options that aren’t explicitly specified:

const fillDefaults = <I extends ImageAnnotation = ImageAnnotation, E extends unknown = ImageAnnotation> (
opts: AnnotoriousOpts<I, E>,
defaults: AnnotoriousOpts<I, E>
): AnnotoriousOpts<I, E> => ({
drawingEnabled: opts.drawingEnabled === undefined ? defaults.drawingEnabled : opts.drawingEnabled,
drawingMode: opts.drawingMode || defaults.drawingMode,
userSelectAction: opts.userSelectAction || defaults.userSelectAction,
theme: opts.theme || defaults.theme

This ensures that all necessary options have a value, even if not all are explicitly set when initializing Annotorious.

Best Practices

  1. Only override the default options when necessary. The defaults are designed to work well for most use cases.
  2. If you’re using a custom annotation format, always provide a corresponding FormatAdapter.
  3. Consider your use case when setting drawingMode. Use 'drag' for more precise control, and 'click' for quicker annotations.
  4. Use the theme option to ensure Annotorious fits well with your application’s design.
  5. Utilize the style option to make annotations visually consistent with your application’s aesthetics.

Type Parameters

  • I: Extends the base Annotation type. This allows for type-safe usage with custom annotation formats.
  • E: Represents the external annotation format, if different from the internal format.

These type parameters allow for flexible use of Annotorious with various annotation formats while maintaining type safety.